Flower stem 花枝
stem and calyx of flower 萼
flower and rockery arranged in a flower pot 盆景
green glaze powder enamel flower pot with flower and bird design 粉彩绿地花鸟花盆
western flower thrip western flower thrips 苜蓿蓟马
Flos Daturae Metelis / Flos Daturae Innoxiae Hindu Datura Flower / Hairy Datura Flower Yangjinhua 洋金花
Flos Campsis Chinese Trumpetcreeper Flower / Common Trumpetcreeper Flower Lingxiaohua 凌霄花
Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem 功劳木
spring black stem of black stem of the alfalfa 苜蓿茎炫f菌
stem on stem 迎头对遇; 迎头相遇
Caulis Clematidis Anemone Clematis Stem / Armand Clematis Stem Chuanmutong 川木通
“Fragrant sesame flower”cakes 香麻百花糕
“Hundred flower”crisp fried duck 百花香酥鸭
“Hundred flower”fried duck webs stuffed with shrimp 百花煎瓤鸭掌
“Hundred flower”mushrooms stuffed with shrimps 百花瓤北菇
“Hundred flower”steamed sliced chicken with shrimp sauce 百花採鸡
a hundred flower 表观扩散系数; 百花
A Preparation of Flower of Locust- tree Liquor 槐花酒的研制
Abnormal flower and fruit drop 异常落花落果